This book is a collection of short papers from the 11th International ISAAC Congress 2017 in Växjö, Sweden.
The papers, written by the best international experts, are devoted to recent results in mathematics with a focus on analysis. The volume provides to both specialists and non-specialists an excellent source of information on the current research in mathematical analysis and its various interdisciplinary applications.
Part I: Applications of Dynamical Systems Theory in Biology.- Analysis of State-Control Optimality System for Invasive Species Management.- Part II: Approximation Theory and Special Functions: Fourth Series.- Extended Multivariable Hypergeometric Functions.- Cubature of Multidimensional Schrödinger Potential Based on Approximate Approximations.- Generalized Kantorovich Operators on Convex Compact Subsets and Their Application to Evolution Problems.- On the Generalized Sylvester Polynomials.- Durrmeyer-Type Bernstein Operators Based on (p, q)-Integers with Two Variables.- Part III: Complex Analysis and Convex Optimization and Their Applications in Wave Physics.- On the Passivity of the Delay-Rational Green’s-Function-Based Model for Transmission Lines.- Passive Approximation with High-Order B-Splines.- Part IV: Complex and Functional Analytic Methods for Differential Equations.- Some New Applications of the Theory of Conjugate Differential Forms.- On Maximal Regularity of Differential and Difference Operators.- On the Generalized Liouville Theorem.- Neumann Problem in Polydomains.- Green and Neumann Functions for a Plane Degenerate Circular Domain.- Part V: Special Interest Group: IGCVPT Complex Variables and Potential Theory.- Biharmonic Monogenic Functions and Biharmonic Boundary Value Problems.- Composition Operators of α-Bloch Spaces on Bounded Symmetric Domains in Cn.- Monogenic Functions in Commutative Algebras.- Part VI: Special Interest Group: IGPDE Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.- On the Solvability of Tracking Problem with Nonlinearly Distributed Control for the Oscillation Process.- On a Class of Solutions of the Nonlinear Integral Fredholm Equation.- On Conditional Stability of Inverse Scattering Problem on a Lasso-Shaped Graph.- On Solvability of Tracking Problem Under Nonlinear Boundary Control.- Part VII: Nonlinear PDE.- Exponential Mixing and Ergodic Theorems for a Damped Nonlinear Wave Equation with Space-Time Localised Noise.- Part VIII: P-adic Analysis.-On the Injective Embedding of p-Adic Integers in the Cartesian Product of p Copies of Sets of 2-Adic Integers.- Description of (Fully) Homomorphic Cryptographic Primitives Within the p-Adic Model of Encryption.- Spectrum of Ultrametric Banach Algebras of Strictly Differentiable Functions.- p-Adic Nevanlinna Theory.- On an Operator Theory on a Banach Space of Countable Type over a Hahn Field.- Part IX: Special Interest Group: IGPDE Recent Progress in Evolution Equations.- Conditional Stability for Backward Parabolic Equations with Osgood Coefficients.- Self-similar Asymptotic Profile for a Damped Evolution Equation.- On One Control Problem for Zakharov–Kuznetsov Equation.- The Self-interacting Scalar Field Propagating in FLRW Model of the Contracting Universe.- On the Energy Estimate for Klein–Gordon-Type Equations with Time-Dependent Singular Mass.- Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Their Application to Chemotaxis Models.- A Toy Model of 4D Semilinear Weakly Hyperbolic Wave Equations.- Gevrey Well-Posedness of the Generalized Goursat–Darboux Problem for a Linear PDE.- On the Regularity of the Semilinear Term on the Cauchy Problem for the Schrödinger Equation.-The Maximum Principle and Sign-Changing Solutions of the Klein–Gordon Equation with the Higgs Potential in the de Sitter Spacetime.- A Remark on the Critical Exponent for the Semilinear Damped Wave Equation on the Half-Space.- Part X: Special Interest Group: IGGF Special Session on Generalized Functions and Applications.- On Microlocal Regularity of Generalized Linear Partial Differential Operators.-A Projective Description of Generalized Gelfand–Shilov Spaces of Roumieu Type.- Generalized Solutions and Distributional Shadows for Dirac Equations.- Modeling Abstract Stochastic Problems with White Noise Perturbations.- On Association in Colombeau Algebras Without Asymptotics.- Soliton Dynamics for the General Degasperis–Procesi Equation.- Frame Expansions of Test Functions, Tempered Distributions, and Ultradistributions.- Part XI: Theory and Applications of Boundary-Domain Integral and Pseudodifferential Operators.- Analysis of Boundary-Domain Integral Equations for Variable-Coefficient Mixed BVP in 2D.- Boundary-Domain Integral Equations for Variable Coefficient Dirichlet BVP in 2D Unbounded Domain.- A Boundary-Domain Integral Equation Method for an Elliptic Cauchy Problem with Variable Coefficients.- On Indirect Boundary Integral Equation Methods and Applications.- Part XII: Wavelet Theory and Its Related Topics.- Holomorphic Curves and Linear Systems in Algebraic Manifolds.- Two-Dimensional Directional Lifting Schemes.- Gabor Wavelet Transformation on the Sphere and Its Related Topic.- Application of Complex Continuous Wavelet Analysis to Auditory Evoked Brain Responses.- Detection of Rotation Angles on Image Separation Problem.- Part XIII: Contributed Talks (Open Session).-Uniform Boundary Stabilization of the Wave Equation with a Nonlinear Delay Term in the Boundary Conditions.