This book provides educators with an accessible guide to best practices concerning content-based instruction (CBI) models and their use in English learner inclusive classrooms. The author effectively bridges the gap between theory and practice with a critical analysis of practical examples and diverse strategies for the inclusion of English learners into K-12 general education courses. The book also raises controversial questions regarding who is qualified to teach English learners and who is responsible for doing so, looking at the difficulties faced by both general educators and ESL teachers in Inclusive Classrooms. By providing a lens through which both ESL teachers and general educators are able to analyze, compare and contrast a range of widely-employed CBI methods, this book allows teachers to make informed decisions in their EL program development and work with English learners in K-12 schools.
Section I: Orientations to English Language Inclusion
Chapter 1: Why Must I Do This? The Drawbacks, Benefits and Challenges with EL Inclusion and the Impetus for General Educator Preparation in EL Inclusion
Chapter 2: I Just Want to Teach Math! Language is a Foundation for all Content Areas
Chapter 3: A Framework for General Educator Development in EL Instruction
Section II: Models of English Language Inclusion
Chapter 4: Models: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model
Chapter 5: Models: Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)
Chapter 6: Models: Response to Intervention (RTI)
Chapter 7: Models: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)
Chapter 8: Models: Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence (CREDE) Standards and the Expediting Comprehension for English Language Learners (Ex C-ELL)
Chapter 9: Models: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLi L) and Content-Based Language Learning through Technology (Co Ba LTT) Models
Chapter 10: The “Winner”: Which Model Should Be Chosen?
Об авторе
Kate Mastruserio Reynolds is an Associate Director of the Foundation Program at Qatar University and a Professor of TESOL at the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire. Her specific area of research is the scholarship of teaching and learning within an ESL context, including a particular focus on content-based instruction and ESL instructional and assessment practices.