Stephanie Suter is a Senior Lecturer at Bath Spa University where she teaches mathematics to primary post-graduate trainees. She started her career as a primary school teacher and mathematics subject leader in Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire before becoming a local authority numeracy consultant. Stephanie then worked as a mathematics senior adviser for the Primary National Strategy before moving into initial teacher training. She was a Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and the University of Worcester before joining Bath Spa University and in these roles has taught mathematics across a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including School Direct and Teach First.
1 Электронные книги Kath Morgan
Kath Morgan & Stephanie Suter: Lessons in Teaching Number and Place Value in Primary Schools
Lesson planning in line with the new Primary National Curriculum! Structured around the number and place value sections of the programmes of study within the National Curriculum (Df E, 2013), this bo …