Dear God, the world feels very alive today, with birds and flowers and many colors. Thank you for the new life we feel and see all around us, life that comes from you. Thank you for butterflies and dandelions and new leaves and bugs and kites and baseball. Thank you for life. Amen.
—‘On a Spring Day’
This easy-to-use book of prayers provides a much-needed resource for families who want to celebrate the everyday events of their lives. From such moments as the first day of school, being in a thunderstorm, reading together, and fifty-seven other occasions, Finley attempts to help parents and children see and express the ways that God is part of their lives. In her introduction, she describes the family as the basic unit of religious formation and experience. She further argues that the role of family prayer is not to make family life holy, but rather to help families see the holiness that is already there. Line drawings by Kevin Finley, the author’s son, accompany each prayer.
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Kathy has been a teacher, counselor, and spiritual director for many years, helping people see the connections between their faith and spirituality and their daily lives. She and her author husband Mitch have written and talked about marriage and family life for many years, and they live in Spokane, WA. She appreciates the opportunity that writing gives her to be able to extend her reach and teaching beyond in-person work.