A comprehensive exploration of technology’s role in adult learning
Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning introduces educators and students to the intersection of adult learning and the growing technological revolution. Written by an internationally recognized expert in the field, this book explores the theory, research, and practice driving innovation in both adult learning and learning technology, and illuminates a powerful approach to recognize and leverage these opportunities. Building on current trends and research in technology and its use, each chapter illustrates the need, opportunities, and examples of current and future technologies that scaffold adult learning, and provides comprehensive coverage of both current and emerging challenges.
Many adult learning faculty, practitioners, and students realize that technology presents a growing and ever-present set of issues, yet few feel confident in identifying the opportunities that arise with each step forward. This book clarifies the interplay between adult learning and learning technology, and characterizes the cyclic exchange of information and opportunities that link these fields now and in the future.
- Understand the critical issues currently affecting adult learning
- Learn how technology is presenting both opportunities and challenges for the teaching and learning of adults in different contexts
- Examine recent research on learning technology for adult learners
- Discover how technological innovation can be applied now and how it will continue to shape the future of learning
Adult learning is on the rise, and there is no mistaking technology’s role; whether they’re learning with or about technology, today’s adult learners come with unique sets of needs and skills that demand specialized approaches. Traditional pedagogical techniques don’t transfer directly, and learning technology requires its own unique approach to development and use. Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning equips practitioners to further adult learning and shape the future of the field, while providing a rich perspective for classroom inquiry and research.
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xv
Part 1: A Foundation for New Learning 1
1 The Digital Age Secret for Success: Adult Learning 3
2 Understanding the Evolution of the Digital Age 17
3 Adult Learning and Living in the Digital Age 43
4 Biological Concerns: Development, Aging, and Neuroscience 65
Part 2: Scaffolding Essential Skills for Learning in the Digital Age 83
5 Andragogy Illustrated 85
6 Motivation’s Essential Role 101
7 Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving 113
8 Self?]Directed Learning Discovered 143
9 Required Intercultural Competencies 155
10 Transformative Learning Perspectives 169
Part 3: New Vistas in a Digital World 185
11 Mind, Body, and Spirit Connections 187
12 e?]Learning Models: Distance, Mobile, Virtual, and Informal Learning 203
13 Psychology of Technology Use and Adoption 221
14 Conclusion: Emergent Research Opportunities 237
References 255
Index 281
Об авторе
KATHLEEN P. KING is professor of education at the University of Central Florida, and coordinator of the graduate programs in higher education and policy studies. She has written extensively on using technology in adult education and has published 33 books, 56 journal articles, and 85 book chapters. As president of Transformation Education, LLC, she consults on matters such as distance learning, digital media, and instructional design. She has been recognized for her achievements and contributions to adult and higher education in many ways, including induction into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame (2011); appointment as Visiting Professor at Nankai University, Tianjin, People’s Republic of China (2012); and receiving an Outstanding Research Publication Award (Division I), American Educational Research Association (AERA) award (2009). She serves on the editorial board of several journals, including the Adult Education Quarterly, the Journal of Transformative Education, and New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. With 20 years experience as a faculty development speaker on teaching with technology and transformative learning, she has spoken and given presentations at many conferences and universities worldwide.