Katya Andresen, a veteran marketer and nonprofit professional, demystifies winning marketing campaigns by reducing them to tenessential rules and provides entertaining examples and simple stepsfor applying the rules ethically and effectively to good causes ofall kinds. The Robin Hood rules steal from the winning formulas forselling socks, cigarettes, and even mattresses, with good advicefor appealing to your audiences’ values, not your own;developing a strong, competitive stance; and injecting into everymessage four key elements that compel people to take notice.Andresen, who is also a former journalist, also reveals the bestroute to courting her former colleagues in the media and gettingyour message into their reporting.
Katya Andresen is Vice President of Marketing at the charitablegiving portal Network for Good, which was founded by AOL, Yahoo!and Cisco. Before joining Network for Good, she was Senior Vice President of Sutton Group, a marketing and communications firmsupporting non-profits, government agencies, and foundationsworking for the social good. Previously she was a marketingconsultant overseas, promoting causes ranging from civil society in Ukraine to ecotourism in Madagascar. She also worked for CAREInternational. She has trained hundreds of causes in effectivemarketing and media relations, and her marketing materials fornon-profits have won national and international awards. In additionto writing Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes, Katya was featured in the e-book, Nine Minds of Marketing. She is also a co-author of a chapter in thebook, People to People Fundraising — Social Networking and Web2.0 for Charities. Fundraising Success Magazine named her Fundraising Professional of the Year in 2007.
Katya traces her passion for good causes to the enormous socialneed she witnessed as a journalist prior to her work in thenon-profit sector. She was a foreign correspondent for Reuters Newsand Television in Asia and for Associated Press, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Dallas Morning News in Africa. She has abachelor’s degree in history from Haverford College.
Visit her blog to learnmore…http://www.nonprofitmarketingblog.com/
Foreword by Kate Roberts.
Introduction: Lost in Sherwood Forest.
Facing the Fact That Marketing Is a Must.
1. The Heart of Robin Hood Marketing.
Focus on Getting People to Do Something Specific.
2. Robin Hood Reconnaissance.
Appeal to Your Audiences’ Values, Not Your Own.
3. The Village Square.
React to the Forces at Work in the Marketplace.
4. All for One and One for All—We Wish.
Stake a Strong Competitive Position.
5. Building a Merry Band.
Partner Around Mutual Benefits.
6. The Heart of the Good Archer’s Arrow.
Put the Case First and the Cause Second.
7. Sharpening the Arrow’s Point.
The Four Things Your Message Must Do.
8. Aiming for Hearts and Minds.
Take Your Message to Where Your Audiences Are.
9. Robin Hood Media Savvy.
Approach the Media as a Target Market.
10. Letting Your Arrow Fly.
Execute Campaigns and Assess Their Worth.
The Author.
Об авторе
Katya Andresen is vice president of marketing at Network for Good, the Internet’s leading charitable giving site. She developed the Robin Hood rules in working with dozens of local, national, and international causes in the United States, Eastern Europe, and Africa. Andresen traces her passion for helping good causes to the enormous need she witnessed overseas in her previous work as a foreign correspondent.