Dr Kegen Yu received a BEng degree from Jilin
University, China, a MEng degree from the Australian National
University, Australia, and a Ph D degree from the University of
Sydney, Australia, in 1983, 1999 and 2003 respectively. From 1983
to 1997 he worked as a practicing engineer and later a lecturer at
Nanchang University, China. From 2003 to 2005 he was employed as a
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Wireless Communications,
University of Oulu, Finland, researching on wireless positioning
and communications theory. Since November 2005 he has served as a
Research Scientist at CSIRO working on ad hoc wireless positioning
systems, wireless sensor networks and reconfigurable radio. Kegen
has published three book chapters, and over 40 refereed journal and
conference papers.
Ian Sharp is a Senior Consultant on wireless positioning
systems. He has over 30 years of engineering experience in radio
systems. His initial involvement in positioning technology was in
aviation and later, in the 1980s, with the Interscan microwave
landing system (MLS). In the later 1980s to the early 1990s, Ian
was the R&D manager for the Quiktrak covert vehicle tracking
system. This system is now commercially operating worldwide. From
the mid 1990s to 2007 Ian worked at the CSIROmainly on developing
experimental radio systems. Hewas the inventor and architect
designer of CSIRO»s precision location system (PLS) for
sports applications. The PLS has been successfully trialed in
Australia and the USA. Ian holds a number of patents relating to
positioning technology.
Professor Y Jay Guo is the Director of the
Wireless Technologies Laboratory and Theme Leader of Broadband for
Australia in the CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia. Prior to this
appointment in August 2005, Jay held various senior positions in
the European wireless industry managing the development of advanced
technologies for the third-generation (3G) mobile communications
systems. Jay has over 20 years of industrial and academic
experience in antennas, signal processing and wireless networks. He
has published three technical books and over 100 scientific papers
in top-tier research journals and at international conferences. He
holds 12 patents in wireless technologies. He is a Fellow of IET,
Adjunct Professor at Macquarie University, Australia, and Guest
Professor at the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS).
5 Электронные книги Kegen Yu
Kegen Yu & Ian Sharp: Ground-Based Wireless Positioning
Ground Based Wireless Positioning provides an in-depth treatment of non-GPS based wireless positioning techniques, with a balance between theory and engineering practice. The book presents the archit …
Ian Sharp & Kegen Yu: Wireless Positioning: Principles and Practice
This book focuses on non-GNSS positioning systems and approaches. Although it addresses both theoretical and practical aspects, the primary focus is on engineering practice. This is achieved by provi …
Kegen Yu: Theory and Practice of GNSS Reflectometry
This is the first authored English book completely focused on global navigation satellite system reflectometry (GNSS-R). It consists of two main parts: the fundamental theory; and major applicat …
Kegen Yu: Positioning and Navigation Using Machine Learning Methods
This is the first book completely dedicated to positioning and navigation using machine learning methods. It deals with ground, aerial, and space positioning and navigation for pedestrians, vehicles, …