Normal0falsefalsefalse Microsoft Internet Explorer4In his 2004 book Game Work, Ken S. Mc Allister proposed a rigorous critical methodology for the discussion of the video game complex the games themselves, their players, the industry that produces them, and those who review and market them. Games, Mc Allister demonstrated, are viewed and discussed very differently by different factions: as an economic force, as narrative texts, as a facet of popular culture, as a psychological pla...
Normal0falsefalsefalse Microsoft Internet Explorer4In his 2004 book Game Work, Ken S. Mc Allister proposed a rigorous critical methodology for the discussion of the video game complex the games themselves, their players, the industry that produces them, and those who review and market them. Games, Mc Allister demonstrated, are viewed and discussed very differently by different factions: as an economic force, as narrative texts, as a facet of popular culture, as a psychological playground, as an ethical and moral force, even as a tool for military training. In Gaming Matters, Mc Allister and coauthor Judd Ruggill turn from the broader discussion of video game rhetoric to study the video game itself as a medium and the specific features that give rise to games as similar and yet diverse as Pong, Tomb Raider, and Halo. In short, what defines the computer game itself as a medium distinct from all others? Each chapter takes up a different fundamental characteristic of the medium. Games are: Idiosyncratic, and thus difficult to apprehend using the traditional tools of media study Irreconcilable, or complex to such a degree that developers, players, and scholars have contradictory ways of describing them Boring, and therefore obligated to constantly make demandson players attention Anachronistic, or built on age-old tropes and forms of playwhile ironically bound to the most advanced technologies Duplicitous, or dependent on truth-telling rhetoric even when they are about fictions, fantasies, or lies Work, or are often better understood as labor rather than play Alchemical, despite seeming all-too mechanical or predictable Video games are now inarguably a major site of worldwide cultural production. Gaming Matters will neither flatter game enthusiasts nor embolden game detractors in their assessments. But it will provide a vocabulary through which games can be discussed in academic settings and will create an important foundation for future academic discourse.