Ken Shelton is the voice of principle-centered personal and leadership development. For 30 years he served as editor/publisher of Leadership Excellence and Personal Excellence magazines, and for 10 years he served as ghost writer for Stephen R. Covey on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and other books. He has traveled and spoken to audiences worldwide, and in 2015 he was recognized with the Global Business Leadership Excellence Award. He has started businesses and worked in a large corporation, major university, public schools and national parks. This vast and varied experience affords him a unique voice and vision in the leadership field.
3 Электронные книги Ken Shelton
Ken Shelton: Covenantalk
Covenan Talk, Words That Set Us Free, tells how Gods Word uses the power of everyday language to lead us through lifes hard places. Although he was raised in a loving Christian home, the author revea …
Marshall Goldsmith & Beverly Kaye: Learn Like a Leader
More than a decade ago, a group of bestselling authors, thought leaders and management experts among them Marshall Goldsmith, Beverly Kaye and Ken Shelton met to share their defining moments on leade …
Ken Shelton: Field Leadership
You already live, work or play in a field, but do you exercise proactive and principled leadership in your field? During the decade of the 2020s, you will be challenged and may be displaced, your lif …