автор: Kenthorai Raman Jegannathan

Prof. Dr. Pogaku Ravindra is an internationally renowned expert in bio energy and Biofuels field. He is a distinguished Professor of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, and the Postgraduate coordinator of School of Engineering and Information Technology at University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Kota kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. He is also the UNESCO consultant on Sustainable energy projects. He has rich versatile and varied experience of teaching, research, industry, administrative and executive spanning over 30 years. Prof. Ravindra’s research interests include bioenergy, wealth from waste (Single Cell protein etc), bioprocess engineering. At present his research group focus is on Bio-derived energy for sustainable development. His research work has culminated in over 150 research publications including chapters in books, critical reviews and presentations to his credit. He has published five books. He is the editor-in-chief, editorial board member, guest editor in referred journals and reviewer of many peer journals. Kenthorai Raman Jegannathan is a researcher at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland.

1 Электронные книги Kenthorai Raman Jegannathan

Pogaku Ravindra & Kenthorai Raman Jegannathan: Production of biodiesel using lipase encapsulated in κ-carrageenan
This book explores a novel technique for processing biodiesel using lipase immobilization by encapsulation and its physical properties, stability characteristics, and application in stirred tank and …