JESSICA WEST and Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp are freelance translators with a shared love of history; A History of the World With the Women Put Back In is the third book they’ve co-translated from German.
3 Электронные книги Kerstin Lücker
Kerstin Lücker & Ute Daenschel: A History of the World with the Women Put Back In
‘Who says that daughters cannot be heroic?’ Once upon a time, history was written by men, for men and about men. Women were deemed less important, their letters destroyed, their stories ignored. Not …
Kerstin Lucker: O istorie a lumii… cu femeile in prim-plan
Odată ca niciodată, istoria a fost scrisă de bărbați, pentru băr — bați și despre bărbați. Femeile erau considerate mai puțin im — portante, scrisorile lor erau distruse, poveștile lor – ignorate. Pâ …
Kerstin Lücker: In tiefer Sorge
Zum ersten Mal erheben einige der wichtigsten Vordenker:innen für Klima, Umwelt und Natur gemeinsam ihre Stimmen. Zeit ihres Lebens haben sie sich mit Fragen nach dem ökologischen Zustand der Welt, n …