Everyone Has Something To Hide. . .
The virile, all-American husband. The brainy golden girl. The happily-wed bi-coastal couple.
Someone Is Watching. . .
Someone who has uncovered their darkest secrets. Someone who is hell-bent on making them pay for their sins. . .
No One Suspects The Truth. . .
Now there is no escaping the shadowy jury that watches their every move. Infiltrates every part of their lives. Stalking. Judging. Condemning. Punishment will be swift. . .severe. . .final. . .death.’. . .surprisingly engaging. . .’ —
Publishers Weekly
‘Fast-paced. . .powerful. . .full of surprises. . .’ —
Detroit Free Press
Об авторе
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author KEVIN O’BRIEN grew up in Chicago’s North Shore, but now lives in Seattle, Washington, where he is currently working on his next historical thriller. Readers can visit his website at kevinobrienbooks.com.