автор: Kim Cavanaugh

Mark DuBois has been developing web pages since 1992 (over a quarter century). He built his first commercial website in 1995. He has been teaching college and adult learners for over two decades and recently retired as a full professor at an Illinois community college. He created the first accredited A.A.S. degree in web systems in the world, along with the first accredited certificate in Rich Internet Application development. Mark is executive director of the World Organization of Webmasters (WebProfessionals.org) and has run an annual national web design competition for the past 15 years (under the auspices of SkillsUSA for both secondary and postsecondary schools). He also helps run international web design and development competitions (most recently in Abu Dhabi, UAE, under the auspices of WorldSkills). Among his many accomplishments, Mark was co-chair of the education task force of the Web Standards Project. He has been an Adobe Education Leader since 2008 (and was one of the first three inducted into this program from higher education). Mark is also a certified Adobe Education Trainer and periodically offers a number of webinars on various topics related to the World Wide Web and eLearning. Rob Schwartz (author of Chapters 8 and 9) is an award-winning educator with 20 years of experience in technical education classrooms. Rob holds several Adobe Certified Associate certifications, and is also an Adobe Certified Instructor. As an Adobe Education Leader, Rob won the prestigious Impact Award from Adobe, and in 2010 Rob was the first Worldwide winner of the Certiport Adobe Certified Associate Championship. Find out more about Rob at his online curriculum website at brainbuffet.com. Kim Cavanaugh taught and wrote about web, graphic, and interactive design for over 18 years. With four books, three interactive online courses, and over two hundred tutorials on Adobe Dreamweaver, Fireworks, WordPress, and others to his credit, Kim opened new opportunities to technology newcomers by making his material easy to follow yet technically rich and challenging. Kim was a founding board member of the Adobe Education Leaders program and a certified Adobe Education Trainer, and he taught classes on programming and design to students at every level from middle school to college. During the day, Kim was the instructional webmaster at one of the largest school districts in the US.

5 Электронные книги Kim Cavanaugh

Kim Cavanaugh: Fireworks MX: A Beginner’s Guide
Get a solid introduction to the premier Web graphics creation tool with this hands-on beginner’s guide. Designed for easy learning, this book is filled with step-by-step projects, Q & A sections, hel …
Kim Cavanaugh & Rob Schwartz: Learn Adobe Dreamweaver CC for Web Authoring
This study guide uses text integrated with video to help you gain real-world skills that will get you started in your career in planning websites and designing web pages and lays the foundation for t …
Kim Cavanaugh & Rob Schwartz: Learn Adobe Dreamweaver CC for Web Authoring
This study guide uses text integrated with video to help you gain real-world skills that will get you started in your career in planning websites and designing web pages and lays the foundation for t …
Kim Cavanaugh & Mark DuBois: Learn Adobe Dreamweaver CC for Web Authoring
Dreamweaver CC is the industry-leading web design and development application from Adobe. With Dreamweaver you can build standards-based web pages using code and design techniques that translate dire …
Kim Cavanaugh & Mark DuBois: Learn Adobe Dreamweaver CC for Web Authoring
Dreamweaver CC is the industry-leading web design and development application from Adobe. With Dreamweaver you can build standards-based web pages using code and design techniques that translate dire …