This book is for people who are, or know someone, who is dying from a chronic condition. Read it if you want to understand what the dying person and those who love them will experience and what they can do to make the experience better. PACE Toward Peace gives you the knowledge and the language to anticipate and prepare for what will occur so the process of dying can be a natural and more predictable part of life. It shares a simple way to define and talk about the phases that occur when a person dies gradually. Bothe the acronym and the information in this book are straightforward so more time and energy can be spent on what matters most to you and the people you love.
P = PARTNERING: This phase is similar to many partnerships, where two people work equally
but with different specialties, sharing in most decisions and work.
A = ASSISTING: This phase is when the dying person allows or asks the caregiver to make
decisions and needs assistance with daily activities.
C = CARING: This phase is when the caregiver makes all decisions and is responsible for all
daily activities.
E = ENDING: In this phase, as the dying person disengages with this world, the caregiver
remains in the decision-making role and is responsible for all decisions and work.
Each phase is explored through the eyes of the dying person, their caregiver, their family and the environment and each perspective is useful no matter which role you’re in today. Read and share this book to prepare for, and make the most of, the last phase of life.