Did you know that there are Biblical weapons in the Word of God? Prolific author Kimberly Moses wants to show you life-altering revelation from her supernatural encounters with the Lord. She has faced many challenges as she discovered the most effective strategy to engage in spiritual warfare. Kimberly will highlight the hidden treasures inside the Word of God as you read, ‘Warfare Strategies: Biblical Weapons.’ Every day, Christians are under attack. This book will strengthen and increase your faith to fight against demonic oppression. As you review the pages inside, you will discover the following:
You will learn how to break demonic strongholds.
You will learn how to assassinate the enemy in the spirit.
You will learn how to break and reverse witchcraft.
You will learn how to overcome python attacks.
You will gain a hunger for prayer and fasting.
You will gain a deeper appreciation of supernatural experiences.
Your life will go to another level in Jesus Christ as you become the soldier He has mandated for His army. Never again will you be afraid of the devil’s tactics and schemes. It’s time for Warfare Strategies!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:Flaming Arrows…………….7
Chapter 2:Water…………………………15
chapter 3: Lightning Strikes…………23
chapter 4:Finger of God………………31
chapter 5:Sword of the Lord……….38
chapter 6: Arm of the Lord………….46
chapter 7: God Will Swallow Up Your Enemies………..55
chapter 8:Nets…………………………..62
chapter 9: Axes…………………………..68
chapter 10: hammers…………………….74
chapter 11: Shaming Our Enemies……………………..81
chapter 12: Pursuing The Enemy………………………..88
chapter 13: Advancing Against A Troop……………………….94
chapter 14: Crushing The Enemy………………………..99
chapter 15: Angels………………………104
chapter 16: Executing Judgment Written……………………..111
chapter 17: Rebuking The Enemy……………………….119
chapter 18: Attacking The Enemy From The Rear……………………125
chapter 19:Delivering The Enemy In Our Hands…………….131
chapter 20: Executing Vengeance…………………137
chapter 21: Striking The Enemy With Blindness…………144
chapter 22: The Fire of God………….149
chapter 23:Lay Siege To The Enemy…………………153
chapter 24: Prayer At The Gates…………………………159
chapter 25: Possess The Gates……..165
chapter 26: Calming Mighty Waters……………………….172
chapter 27: Scattering The Enemies…………………….178
chapter 28: Breaking The Enemy into Pieces…………………184
chapter 29: Overthrow The Enemy……………………….190
chapter 30: Smite The Enemy……….196
chapter 31: Leaping Over A Wall…………………………..202
chapter 32: Binding And Loosing……………………..208
chapter 33: Fasting……………………..214
chapter 34: Hands for War and Fingers for Battle…………………………220
chapter 35: Javelin………………………..226
chapter 36: Earthquakes……………….232
chapter 37: Rods…………………………240
chapter 38: Light………………………..246
ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………….254
Об авторе
Kimberly Moses started off her ministry as Kimberly Hargraves. She is highly sought after as a prophetic voice, intercessor and prolific author. There is no doubt that she has a global mandate on her life to serve the nations of the world by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a quickly expanding worldwide healing and deliverance ministry. Kimberly Moses wears many hats to fulfill the call God has placed on her life as an entrepreneur over several businesses including her own personal brand Rejoice Essentials which promotes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She also serves as a life coach and mentor to many women. She is also the loving mother of two wonderful children. She is married to Tron. Kimberly has dedicated her life to the work of ministry and to serve others under the call God has placed over her life. Kimberly currently resides in South Carolina.