Miniaturization and high precision are rapidly becoming a requirement for many industrial processes and products. As a result, there is greater interest in the use of laser microfabrication technology to achieve these goals. This book composed of 16 chapters covers all the topics of laser precision processing from fundamental aspects to industrial applications to both inorganic and biological materials. It reviews the sate of the art of research and technological development in the area of laser processing.
Process Control in Laser Material Processing for the Micro and Nanometer Scale Domains.- Theory and Simulation of Laser Ablation – from Basic Mechanisms to Applications.- Laser Devices and Optical Systems for Laser Precision Microfabrication.- Fundamentals of Laser-Material Interaction and Application to Multiscale Surface Modification.- Temporal Pulse Tailoring in Ultrafast Laser Manufacturing Technologies.- Laser Nanosurgery, Manipulation, and Transportation of Cells and Tissues.- Laser Synthesis of Nanomaterials.- Ultrafast Laser Micro- and Nanostructuring.- 3D Fabrication of Embedded Microcomponents.- Micromachining and Patterning.- Laser Transfer Techniques for Digital Microfabrication.- Hybrid Laser Processing of Transparent Materials.- Drilling, Cutting, Welding, Marking and Microforming.
Об авторе
Koji Sugioka is a senior research scientist in RIKEN and a guest professor of Tokyo University of Science and Tokyo Denki University. Since he joined RIKEN in 1986, he has worked on laser microprocessing of various materials. His current interests center on the development of advanced laser microprocessing techniques performing surface and 3-D microstructuring of transparent materials, with applications to biophotonic microchip devices. He received several awards for his research and inventions in the area of laser microprocessing. He published over 110 articles in international journals and over 70 papers in priceedings, gave more than 60 invited talks at international conferences and more than 70 invited talks at domestic conferences, and has more than 20 patents or pending patents. He has served conference chair, co-chair, and committee member in numerous international conferences. He is also editor-in-chief of the Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering (JLMN). Michel Meunier is professor of engineering physics at École Polytechnique de Montréal and holds the Canada Research Chair in Laser micro/nano-engineering of materials. He obtained his Ph D from MIT in 1984 for his work on laser induced chemical vapor deposition of thin films. His current interest is in ultrafast laser-materials interaction and application of laser micro/nanoprocessing in microelectronics, optoelectronics, biomedical and nanotechnologies. He received the Synergy Price for the Canadian Government for his outstanding collaboration with a laser processing industry. He published over 250 papers in international journals and proceedings and gave more than 35 invited talks in international conferences. He is one of the editor of the Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering (JLMN). Alberto Piqué is Head of the Electronic and Optical Materials & Devices Section, in the Materials Science Division at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Since joining the NRL in 1997, he has investigatedthe use of laser-based direct-write techniques for the rapid prototyping of microelectronics, sensors and micro-power sources. His research interests include the study of processes involving laser-material interactions, in particular those relevant to pulsed laser deposition and laser forward transfer as applied to the fabrication of thin-films, multilayers and embedded structures. He has published over 130 scientific articles, presented over 35 invited talks, co-edited a book in Direct-Write Technologies and holds 15 U.S. patents with 10 more pending in laser materials processing. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering (JLMN).