Kristel Acevedo (MA, Southeastern Seminary) is the discipleship director at Transformation Church, a vibrant multiethnic and multigenerational community near Charlotte, North Carolina. Originally from Miami and the daughter of immigrants, she has a passion for discipleship, biblical literacy, multiethnic ministry, and helping others develop a biblical view on immigration. Kristel is a coauthor of 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future.
3 Электронные книги Kristel Acevedo
Kristel Acevedo & Brad M. Griffin: 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future
Sometimes life gives you way more questions than answers. And yet it seems like everyone expects you to just figure it all out! Whether you’re looking toward your future or wrestling to get through t …
Kristel Acevedo: Un camino en el desierto
Si en algún momento te has sentido desconectado, perdido, lastimado o confundido y te has preguntado dónde está Dios, entonces has experimentado lo que Kristel Acevedo denomina una temporada de desie …
Kristel Acevedo: A Way in the Wilderness
Finding Direction in Times of Uncertainty In the tumultuous journeys of life, there are moments that leave you feeling disconnected, lost, hurt, confused, and wondering where God is. A Way in the Wil …