In L. Frank Baum’s “Rinkitink in Oz”, (1916) Rinkitink, a plump jolly fellow, and his grouchy goat Bilbil assist Inga, the crown prince of Pingaree in reclaiming his lost kingdom from invaders. Inga is helped in his efforts by three magic pearls: one blue, giving him superhuman strength; one pink, protecting him from harm, and one white, providing words of wisdom. But when the pearls are lost, can Queen Ozma, watching events on her magic mirror save the day? The tenth in the Oz books series, it was adapted from an original non-Oz fantasy novel by Baum.
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Tara Sands is an American voiceover artist and the former co-host of Cartoon Network’s weekly Friday night lineup. Her voice can be heard on hundreds of radio and TV commercials, video games, and cartoons, and she has narrated dozens of audiobooks, including the Sammy Keyes series. A multiple Earphones Award winner, she was nominated for an Audie for the multicast performance of the first Lemony Snicket book.