In the ghetto, transit and concentration camp Theresienstadt, film recordings were made with the forced participation of the deportees and became known under the title ‘Theresienstadt — A Documentary from the Jewish Settlement Area’. As a particularly perfidious part of National Socialist propaganda, these recordings continue to have an impact to the present day: Deniers of the National Socialist genocide still refer to this film today. In this anthology, the special position of Theresienstadt is examined on various levels. In addition to the analysis of eyewitness interviews, sociological, philosophical, and historiographical reflections on the circumstances, conditions, and peculiarities of Terezin are included.
Theresienstadt Experiments.- Struggle for Space: The Spatial Economy and Spatial Hierarchies in the Theresienstadt Ghetto.- The Double Fragmentation of Theresienstadt.- ‘What is actually going on here?’ — Interpretive Reflections on the Terezín Film.- On the Critique of the History of Interpretation and Reception of the 2nd Terezín Film from a Cultural Historical Perspective.- A Journey into the Unreal: Visiting and Photographing Terezín, 23 June 1944.- System in Madness — ‘Hollywood of the SS Victims’.- ‘Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal deatch on that fearful day…’. Verdi’s Requiem in Ghetto Theresienstadt.- The Hell of Theresienstadt as a Paradise Garden in Nazi Propaganda Film.- Narrative Continuities? The Terezín Film in the Context of Nazi Propaganda about the Ghettos and the ‘Jewish Question’.- Narrative Continuities? The Terezin Film in the Context of Nazi Propaganda about the Ghettos and the ‘Jewish Question’.- Remembering Seeing, Seeing Remembering — Images of the Ghettoin Social Memory.- Remembering Terezin: Oral History, Memory, and the Children of Terezin.- Experiencing — Remembering — Speaking about the Past. On the Signs of Traumatization in Autobiographical Texts.
Об авторе
Lara Pellner, M.A., is a research assistant at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities in Essen.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Soeffner is a senior professor at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn, he is also speaker of Bonn Center for Reconcilation Studies and board member at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) in Essen
Dr. Marija Stanisavljević leads the research modules at the Institute for Kindergarten & Lower Education at University of Education, Northwest Switzerland, PH FHNW