‘If you are a salesperson, you will find yourself in this book.Treat it like your road map to success and you will be aprofessional salesperson.’
— Willis Turner, CSE President, Sales and Marketing Executives International, Inc.
‘This action-oriented book covers the best practices of top salesperformers in all critical areas. The lessons are easy to learn andthey will help you forge more rewarding customer relationships, ahigher income, and a richer career satisfaction. A must-read forany salesperson who wants to improve and reach the next level ofsuccess.’
— Gerhard Gschwandtner, founder and Publisher, Selling Powermagazine
‘As a professor teaching MBA students for twenty years, I encourageeveryone in management to make this required reading for theirsales teams.’
— Dr. Michael Russell, Chairman of the Marketing Dept., St.Bonaventure University
‘Each page is full of ideas for instant sales and commissions!’
— Anthony Parinello, author of Secrets of VITO: Think and Sell Likea CEO
The Road to Sales.
Lesson 1. The Mind and Body of a Great Salesperson.
Lesson 2. Discipline of a Top Salesperson.
Lesson 3. The Likeability of a Great Salesperson.
Lesson 4. The Voice of a Great Salesperson.
Lesson 5. The Image of a Great Salesperson.
Lesson 6. The Need for and Art of Friendly Control.
Lesson 7. Understanding Different Personalities.
Lesson 8. Using Your Instinct to Read Others.
Lesson 9. Anatomy of a Sale.
Lesson 10. Networking.
Lesson 11. Getting as Many Appointments as Possible.
Lesson 12. Overcoming the Fear of Rejection.
Lesson 13. Great Greetings.
Lesson 14. Qualifying.
Lesson 15. Shutting Down the Competition.
Lesson 16. Powerful Presentations.
Lesson 17. Objection Prevention.
Lesson 18. Commandments of Closing.
Lesson 19. Overcoming Final Objections.
Lesson 20. Facts and Fears of Follow-Up.
Lesson 21. The Competitive Advantage of Referrals.
Lesson 22. The Vision of a Great Salesperson: Goals.
Lesson 23. Time Planning.
Lesson 24. Self-Analysis of Great Salespeople.
The Lunch.
Months Later.
Об авторе
TOM HOPKINS carries the standard as a master sales trainer and is recognized as the world’s leading authority on selling techniques and salesmanship. Over three million people on five continents have attended Tom’s high-energy live seminars. Tom personally conducts seventy-five seminars each year, traveling throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and the Philippines. He is the author of eleven books, including How to Master the Art of Selling, which has sold 1.4 million copies. In 1976, Tom founded Tom Hopkins International. Today, over 35, 000 corporations and millions of professional salespeople utilize his professional sales training materials.
LAURA LAAMAN is an award-winning speaker, trainer, and author. She has been WOWing salespeople, managers, and customer service representative audiences with powerful and entertaining presentations since 1989. Laura shares the stage with other top speakers including Tom Hopkins and Zig Ziglar. Along with her staff, Laura has helped thousands of companies in the United States and Europe SELL MORE by using the vital techniques she del ivers at her training seminars and presentations. New salespeople and veterans alike look up to her because of her credibility and powerful, yet approachable, manner.