автор: Laura Pedrinelli Carrara

Laura Pedrinelli Carrara is an Italian Psychologists and specializes in Psychotherapy. She is formed in Psychology Oncology and Organic disorders Serious, in Sexology, in Psychology of Well-being according to the Mind-Body model, and in the use of design in Psychotherapy. She collaborated from 2005 to 2013 with the Hospital of Senigallia (An), in the departments of Medical Oncology, Breast Diagnostics and Breast Surgery. In this respect, in 2012 she published an article on motivation to breast imaging screening and cervix in the Italian Journal of Psycho-Oncology edited by CIC International Editions. She was responsible from 2007 to 2013, to the nursing home for the elderly Senigallia, psychosocial and cognitive rehabilitation through professional entertainment activities. For more than ten years, in addition to the psychological and psychotherapeutic clinical work, also it performs training in the field of labor and social health by working with private companies and non-profit associations. In 2013 she published the book «Entertainment activities with the elderly. To stimulate cognitive abilities and social relationships in old age» Erickson Edition , an handbook containing specific activities to solicit and maintain mental abilities and the elderly relational member who lives in the home or structure. In 2015 she published the book «A mind active. Paths of cognitive stimulation for the elderly.» Erickson editions and she published the book «Four Steps to love yourself». Techniques to improve the psychological well-being «with Streetlib and Amazon. In 2017 she published the book » Coping with breast cancer. Practical and psychological advice from intervention to therapies with Streetlib and Amazon. Since 2017 to today she writes articles of sexology for The Italian Journal of Fibromyalgia. In 2018 she published «Allenamento cognitivo a circuito» Erickson editions and she was interviewed by the magazine BenEssere Edi

12 Электронные книги Laura Pedrinelli Carrara

Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Four Steps to Love Yourself. Techniques to Improve Your Own Psychological Well-Being
Handbook of psychological exercises to improve your self-knowledgde The book was intended to improve the psychological well-being with oneself, while putting an emphasis on oneself and improving the …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Knowing and Managing the Emotions of the Patient, the Family Caregiver and the Operator
The book is a real handbook that helps the operator, the family caregiver and the sick person to understand their own emotional dynamics and the others’ and know how to manage them.The book includes …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Quattro passi per volersi bene: tecniche per migliorare il proprio benessere psicologico
Il libro è un percorso personale composto da esercizi di scrittura espressiva e creativa e da esercizi psico-corporei per migliorale la conoscenza di se stessi e il proprio vissuto emotivo. La person …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Affrontare il tumore al seno
Il libro vuole essere un contributo informativo e un supporto per le donne che stanno affrontando il tumore al seno. All’interno sono presenti diversi capitoli che spiegano le tipologie di trattament …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Elvira
Commedia teatrale in due atti che tratta in modo ironico ma anche profondo il tema della malattia mentale in famiglia. Elvira è una donna anziana che negli anni ha iniziato a perdere la ragione, ques …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: La conoscenza e la gestione delle emozioni del paziente del caregiver famigliare e dell’operatore
Il libro La conoscenza e la gestione delle emozioni del paziente, del caregiver famigliare e dell’operatore è un vero e proprio manuale che spiega, in modo molto chiaro e attraverso l’utilizzo di ese …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Affronter la tumeur du sein
Ce livre se veut être une contribution compréhensive et un soutien pour les femmes qui combattent le cancer du sein. Vous trouverez là-dedans de différents chapitres expliquant les typologies diverse …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Cuatro pasos para amarse a sí mismo. Técnicas para mejorar el propio bienestar psicológico
Hay momentos en la vida en que necesitamos detenernos por un momento para entender lo que está sucediendo. Sentimos que en nosotros, o en la relación con los demás, esa cierta armonía ha cambiado, o …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Coping with breast cancer
From the moment you receive a diagnosis of cancer, life changes. At that moment, it is like a bolt from the blue. There are many states of mind that are lived, from fear to impotence, from anger to d …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: Quatre Étapes pour s’aimer. Techniques pour améliorer son propre bien-être psychologique
LA DESCRIPTION DU LIVRE Il y a les moments dans la vie où nous avons besoin de nous arrêter un instant pour comprendre ce qui se passe. Nous sentons qu’en nous-mêmes ou dans les rapports avec les aut …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: La connaissance et la gestion des émotions du patient, du soignant familial et du personnel médical
Ce livre est un vrai manuel qui aide le médecin, le soignant familial et la personne malade à comprendre leurs  propres dynamiques émotionnelles et celles d’autrui et à savoir les gérer. Le livr …
Laura Pedrinelli Carrara: El conocimiento y la gestión de las emociones del paciente, del cuidador familiar y del operador
Este libro es un verdadero manual que ayuda al médico, al cuidador familiar y a la persona enferma a comprender su propia dinámica emocional y la de los demás y a saber cómo manejarla. El libro conti …