автор: Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton

Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton is the author of over thirty-five books for children. She loves writing surrounded by horses, cattle, dogs, cats, and five turkeys. Laurie lives with her husband in Medina, Ohio. When she»s not illustrating, Kathryn Mitter enjoys gardening, hiking, and watercolor painting, especially painting outdoors. Kathryn has illustrated many magazine stories and children»s books. Kathryn lives in Columbia, Missouri.

4 Электронные книги Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton

Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton: Online with God
Put God on Your Buddy List.Finding God in the universe of computers and cell phones isn’t as easy as googling his name, but he’s there all the same. And what girl wouldn’t want him with her as she tr …
Randy Frazee: Creer — Historias de la Biblia, Vol. 2
El libro Creer -Historias de la Biblia, presentado por el autor de best sellers y pastor Randy Frazee, les enseña a los niños de cuatro a ocho años de edad a pensar y actuar como Jesús, y parecerse m …
Randy Frazee: Believe Storybook, Vol. 2
Presented by bestselling author and pastor Randy Frazee, the Believe Storybook shows children how they can think, act, and be more like Jesus. With 60 stories from the Bible that showcase the themes, …
Randy Frazee: Creer — Historias de la Biblia, Vol. 3
El libro Creer -Historias de la Biblia, presentado por el autor de best sellers y pastor Randy Frazee, les enseña a los niños de cuatro a ocho años de edad a pensar y actuar como Jesús, y parecerse m …