автор: Leighton McCormick

Leighton Mc Cormick began his writing career with articles in U.S. Marine Corps newsletters in the U.S. and overseas. After four years of active duty and a love of “wordsmithing, ” he attended the University of Missouri School of Journalism and earned a Bachelor of Journalism degree. He then joined the corporate world as a magazine writer/editor. In this role, he crafted more than two dozen articles and was selected “Feature Writer of the Year” for the International Association of Business Communicators. Over the next 10 years, Leighton wrote and self-published a successful job-hunting book and photo-essay entitled Soulard Market Sunday, in addition to completing a Master’s Degree and teaching writing courses at a local university. Beyond House On October Hill, he has penned an as yet-to-be-published adolescent fiction novel. Currently, he continues writing toward a list of several conceptualized books, and manages his Veteran-owned business consulting firm in St. Louis.

1 Электронные книги Leighton McCormick

Leighton McCormick: House on October Hill
In 1942, Matt Durham and Karen Forsythe first meet as children and fall in love. After attending college, Matt leaves to serve his country as a fighter pilot in Korea. Karen waits for him, and when t …