You will discover the love Jesus has for you while you grow your roots deep within Him, and you will see His miracles and blessings all around you. This book allows readers to focus on defining a new life in Christ Jesus. See yourself in His love and His light as He shines brightly in your life and gives you direction toward your destiny. You will enjoy victory now and for all eternity through Jesus.
New Beginnings require a strong root system to support growth.
Surrounding Leslie’s home in the country are many trees. With farm fields full of food for the wild animals and tall trees all around, there are lots of turkeys. Each evening, these large birds take flight and swoop up into the trees to nest for the night to be safe from predators.
Without deep roots, those trees would surely tip over with the heavy weight of those large turkeys sitting on their branches.
Rooted in Jesus is similar and will help you grow your roots deep into God’s word so you can stand firm, full of strength and power to overcome the heaviness of the world. This devotional will get you on the right track, headed in the needed direction so you can be a beautiful beacon of light and live out God’s glorious purpose for your life in victory.
’So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.’ (Colossians 2:6-7 NIV)
Why You Need Jesus
Road to Salvation
Water Baptism
The Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
Holy Spirit Truths
The Gift of Tongues
Healing is a Promise
The Power of The Word
Jesus the Healer
Our Authority
Miracles and Blessings
Joy Always
Love Walk
Why the Cross
God is Good
Faith Victory
Greater Things
Signs and Wonders
Battle Ready
Victory Over Darkness
Old Becomes New
Blessed to Be a Blessing
Price Paid
Praying in Faith
Prayers Answered
Holy Nourishment
Undeniable Love
Sowing and Reaping
Destiny and Purpose
Prayer of Salvation
Next Steps