Linda Gros received Master»s degrees in English and Hungarian from the University of Zagreb. Her main research interests include cross-linguistic conceptualization, language acquisition in adults, and lexicography. More specifically, she has dealt with the subconscious conceptualization of different linguistic relations, as well as the processes that contribute to language learning in adults. She currently works as an English teacher in Zagreb.
2 Электронные книги Linda Groß
Linda Groß: Die Relevanz sozialen Lernens bei Kindern mit ADHS-Symptomatik
Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Pädagogik — Heilpädagogik, Sonderpädagogik, Note: 1, 0, Universität zu Köln (Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Verlauf di …
Irena Zovko Dinkovic & Linda Gros: Spatial Minds
Many human experiences are interpreted with the help of spatial concepts, which is why spatial language is prevalent in every aspect of human life. However, to what extent is spatial language connect …