This tale of a black Labrador puppy can grow with the child, and what starts as a simple story can expand into something more thought-provoking at a later time when the child is ready. The story can trigger empathy within the child and show the importance of love, but also it can form the basis for further discussion, as many children will now understand the concepts touched on such as past life, reincarnation, synchronicity, and fate. Parents or helpers may even learn from the children!
It is hoped it will start a journey for you to find out more about this amazing world and times we are living in, to open yourselves up to the possibility that there is so much more than what we are often led to believe.
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Linda is a healer living in the English countryside and works with both people and animals helping them each on their individual journey.
Animals have always been a big source of love and support to her in a life that, as for most people, has had challenges along the way, and she gets much happiness now from being able to help animals in return, especially horses.
Linda is also looking forward to working with animals and children together to encourage children’s appreciation of the natural world and to give them the opportunity to discover that animals can be our teachers and guides and that they are connected to us all.