Discover or re-discover these amazing tales of early science fiction-
STAR-CROSSED LOVER-She was a wonderful wife—sweet, pretty, loving—but she would keep littering up the house with her old, used-up bodies!
THE MACHINE THAT FLOATS-What if you invented a space ship? Would you give it to the world? And what if you decide NOT to! Are you a criminal to be hunted down?
MARLEY’S CHAIN-Tam’s problem was simple. He lived in a world that belonged to someone else.
PUPPET GOVERNMENT-Year after year they came back, despite his constant refusals. And still Brandon couldn’t figure out why he was so important….
THE GENIUS-Sethos was a great artist, a talented man, quite possibly the most famous man of his time and world. But, alas!—there were other worlds. And is not the grass always greener…?
THE LONG SILVERY DAY-It was one of those days—perhaps you’ve had them—when everything went right!
THE LAMPS OF THE ANGELS-The golden guardians denied mankind the stars. They were irresistible in their might … and they were something more!
DOCTOR-Suddenly the biggest thing in the universe was the very tiniest.
WELCOME, MARTIANS-Only one question seemed important in this huge space venture: Who was flying where?
THE FLYING TUSKERS OF K’NIIK-K’NAAK-Handsome, athletic, debonair, a man of powerful charm as well as solid worth, he’d give anything to conquer his one real fault-his darned modesty!
ANOTHER EARTH-Whatever it was that had happened in the test, it badly needed a good explanation.