Loren Abdulezer is CEO and President of Evolving Technologies Corporation, a New York-based technologyconsulting firm. He is an experienced IT professional serving major Fortune 500 companies, including Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, IBM, Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer. He has consultedon strategic technology and Internet product design, data analysis, mathematical modeling, visual modeling, and simulation, MIS/Webreporting, Java and object-oriented programming, Internet security, and business continuity planning.Loren is a world acknowledged expert on spreadsheets, visualmodeling, and dashboard technology. He is the author of Excel Best Practices for Business (www.Excel Best Practices.com), alsopublished by Wiley, and is a Crystal Xcelsius Consulting Partnerfor Business Objects S.A. (www.Xcelsius Best Practices.com). You canfind out more information about Loren and the book Escape From Excel Hell at www.Escape From Excel Hell.com.
4 Электронные книги Loren Abdulezer
Loren Abdulezer: Escape From Excel Hell
* Written especially for advanced beginners and intermediateusers, this book offers quick fixes for anyone bedeviled by faultyformulas, failed formatting, printer purgatory, and otherperplexing Excel …
Susan Abdulezer & Howard Dammond: Skype For Dummies
Here’s the fun and easy way to understand all the hype about Skype and make this cool alternative communication system work for you People love Skype because it’s fairly simple to use, it’s free, it …
Loren Abdulezer: Excel Best Practices for Business
Spreadsheets have become the de facto standard for communicating business information and the preferred tool for analyzing business data. In this current climate, the accuracy and clarity of spreadsh …
Susan Abdulezer & Howard Dammond: Skype For Dummies
Here’s the fun and easy way to understand all the hype about Skype and make this cool alternative communication system work for you People love Skype because it’s fairly simple to use, it’s free, it …