Natalie J. Doyle is deputy director of the European and EU Centre at Monash University. She is the author of Marcel Gauchet and the Loss of Common Purpose (Lexington, 2017) and co-editor of several books including (Il)liberal Europe: Islamophobia, Modernity and Radicalization (Routledge, 2017) and Regional Integration and Modernity: Cross Atlantic Perspectives (Lexington, 2014).
2 Электронные книги Lorenza Sebesta
Natalie J. Doyle & Lorenza Sebesta: Regional Integration and Modernity
This book offers a new framework for comparing experiences of integration: regionalization must be reinterpreted as an aspect of modernization, modernization unfolding also at the local, national and …
Elisabetta Addis & Valeria E. Russo: Women Soldiers
This book explores the consequences of the opening of the armed forces to women, a recent development highlighted by the Gulf War. It is a comprehensive interdisciplinary study of women as soldiers a …