автор: Louise Lee

Louise’s desire is to write Biblical truth in a simple way that children can understand and relate to. She loves especially the metaphor of sheep and their shepherd. Psalm 23 for Kids is her first illustrated book — the result of hours of studies and readings on the life of sheep. This book also includes a simplified version of Psalm 23 specially rewritten for kids.

6 Электронные книги Louise Lee

Louise Lee: Psalm 23 for Kids
This story happens to an ordinary boy on one ordinary day David had become so sheepy that he couldnt recognise himself. What had happened? What are these strange-looking, smelly creatures all around …
Dr Mark Knight & Louise Lee: Religion, Literature and the Imagination
The study of religion and literature continues to go from strength to strength — this collection of essays offers a dynamic, lively and provocative contribution to the field and aims to map out new d …
Louise Lee: Victorian Comedy and Laughter
This innovative collection of essays is the first to situate comedy and laughter as central rather than peripheral to nineteenth century life. Victorian Comedy and Laughter: Conviviality, Jokes and D …
Louise Lee: Diary of My Sheepy Adventures
Have a peek in The Diary of David the Sheep, there he shares his thrilling ‘sheepy’ adventures…David is an ordinary boy just like anyone. On one ordinary day, he became so ‘sheepy’ that he couldn’t …
Louise Lee: Diario de Mis Aventuras Como Oveja
Descubre el Diario de David, la Oveja, donde comparte sus emocionantes  aventuras… David es un niño como cualquier otro. Pero un día cualquiera, se volvió tan  ‘ovejuno’ que no se reconoc …
Dr Mark Knight & Louise Lee: Religion, Literature and the Imagination
The study of religion and literature continues to go from strength to strength — this collection of essays offers a dynamic, lively and provocative contribution to the field and aims to map out new d …