автор: Luca Solari

Marcello Martinez is Professor of Business Organization at the Department of Economics, Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. Founding President of ASSIOA, Association of Italian Organization Studies Academic, Catholic University of Milan. Member of AIDP, Associazione Italiana Direttori del Perosnale Campania. President of the Scientific Committee of SDi O Studi di Organizzazione Aziendale. Leader of research and training projects on the topics of Business Organization and Human Resources Management. Author and co-author of more than 140 publications. Director of the journal Prospettive in Organizzazione. Co-director of the journal Studi Organizzativi, Franco Angeli. Coordinator of the Doctorate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Campania. Luca Solari is Professor of Business Organization at the University of Milan, where he holds the role of President of Unimi Foundation and Director of the School of Journalism Walter Tobagi. He deals with the transformation of organizational functioning models between design, human resources management, technology, and organizational behavior. He edited with Filomena Buonocore and Fabrizio Montanari an innovative volume for the teaching of contemporary business organization. Alessio Maria Braccini is Professor of Business Organization at the University of Tuscia, Viterbo (Italy) where he is also the coordinator of the bachelor and master courses in Economics, and coordinator of the curriculum in digital transformation of the doctorate in Economics Management and Quantitative Methods. He leaded and participated to several research projects funded by the EU and the Lazio Region. He is currently vice-president for publication of it AIS, the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems and a member of ASSIOA. He co-authored about 90 publications which appeared in journals such as Information & Organization (I&O), Information Systems Journal (ISJ), International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS), Government Information Quarterly (GIQ) and the Communications of AIS (CAIS). Alessandra Lazazzara is Associate Professor of Organization Theory and Human Resource Management at the University of Milan. Her research interests focus on job crafting, e-HRM, and diversity and inclusion. She has authored several publications in national and international journals, co-edited four books of the LNISO Springer series and is editorial board’s member of The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Industrial and Commercial Training, SN Business & Economics, Baltic Journal of Management, Prospettive in Organizzazione. Alessandra serves as vice-president of it AIS, the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems and she is a board member of ASSIOA, the Association of Italian Organization Studies Academics.

4 Электронные книги Luca Solari

Chiara Colombo & Alessandro Donadio: The human side of digital. Era digitale, capitale umano, nuovi paradigmi
La trasformazione delle organizzazioni che deriva dalla diffusione delle tecnologie digitali è appena iniziata, ma già propone sfide manageriali importanti. Mentre dedichiamo molte attenzioni …
Luca Solari: Freedom Management
Modern management theory has been established on the ashes of Taylorism, emphasizing control over accountability, conformity over uniqueness, and constraint over freedom. Leadership and management th …
Luca Solari: Freedom Management
Modern management theory has been established on the ashes of Taylorism, emphasizing control over accountability, conformity over uniqueness, and constraint over freedom. Leadership and management th …
Luca Solari & Marcello Martinez: Do Machines Dream of Electric Workers?
In our rapidly changing world, digitalization is often either the key to survival or the driving force behind organizations’ success. This book examines the impact of digitalization on organization …