‘I’ve never had a real life.
I’ve just breathed in and out.’
Valancy Stirling wakes up on her 29th birthday feeling as gray as the sky outside. She’s given up on love. She’s given up on hope. She’s given up on herself, until . . . shocking news forces her to take charge of her life. The Blue Castle follows Valancy’s journey to love, hope, and most importantly, her true self. What you discover about yourself along the way may surprise you!
This simple English version of the original book is great for:
Chapter One Valancy’s Birthday
Chapter Two Beating the Snake
Chapter Three Sneezes Aren’t Allowed
Chapter Four The Rosebush and the Letter
Chapter Five Her Own Pile of Dust
Chapter Six The Anniversary Party
Chapter Seven Roaring Abel Needs Help
Chapter Eight’Just pure, damn luck’
Chapter Nine Barney to the Rescue
Chapter Ten Cissy’s Great Relief
Chapter Eleven A Surprise in the Garden
Chapter Twelve The Blue Castle
Chapter Thirteen The Stirlings Get a Shock
Chapter Fourteen Moonlight in the Woods
Chapter Fifteen Winter on Mistawis
Chapter Sixteen A Few Seconds of Terror
Chapter Seventeen Valancy Hears the Truth
Chapter Eighteen A Stranger Visits
Chapter Nineteen Barney’s Other Secret
Chapter Twenty Back on Elm Street
Chapter Twenty-one The Family Bible
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Born and raised in the US, Raina Ruth Nakamura has lived in Yokohama, Japan for over 20 years. She has always loved reading and she created KISS Books so both English learners and emerging adult readers can enjoy books as much as she does. KISS Books have short chapters with simple sentences and common vocabulary. They are based on classic stories with valuable themes like self-confidence (The Blue Castle) and forgiveness (The Scarlet Pimpernel, a future KISS Book). Raina hopes her books bring joy to readers’ lives.