Luke Bleckly is a newcomer to the author game. With inspiration from Iain Banks, Brent Weeks and Terry Pratchett, he brings creative plot and entertaining wit to the realm of science fiction writing. After spending his life with numbers, Luke tried his hand at writing and found he couldnt stop. The ideas never ceased and numerous books were quickly conceived. This trilogy is the first installment he is now sharing with the world.
4 Электронные книги Luke Bleckly
Luke Bleckly: G.O.D.
Ghain is a student at a school where he is learning to rule a world of his own creation. The people upon the world are his creation also, made in his image. Not that this lack of creativity in their …
Luke Bleckly: S.A.T.A.N.
Ghains world is a success and he has been rewarded with a planet all to himself. Its a lonely existence but hes been at it so long that he has long since forgotten there were ever others like him. Al …
Luke Bleckly: R.A.P.T.U.R.E.
Once again a students class work has been rewarded with a graduation and earned them the right to leave the college. But what about the others? Theres no new task being offered to keep them enrolled …
Luke Bleckly: Fate’s Eyes
Some people believe that fate is predestined. That our futures are already laid out before us and we just follow it blindly, never disrupting the pre-destined path of our lives. They are wrong. There …