Make your own fuel, for a fraction of what you would pay at the pump.
Small-scale home biodiesel production holds a singular attraction for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. While perhaps it can’t save the world, this unique renewable fuel is economical, fun to make, better for the environment, and will help you reduce your dependence on Big Oil. And getting started is easier than you think.
Backyard Biodiesel is written by two recognized experts in the field of small-scale biofuels. This comprehensive hands-on, practical, DIY guide includes:
- The basics of small-scale brewing-recipes, strategies, and technologies
- Advanced backyard analytics and troubleshooting
- Safety considerations and regulatory issues
- Topping up the tank-how to put your biodiesel to work for you.
Making your own fuel is not only possible, it is rewarding. Designed to be accessible to everyone from readers with no prior technical expertise to alternative energy buffs, Backyard Biodiesel is a must-read for any aspiring brewer, packed with everything you need to get up and running quickly and safely.
Warning and Disclaimer
1. Literature Review
2. Oil and Biodiesel Chemistry Primer
3. Gathering Ingredients
4. Grease Wars
5. Basic Recipes
6. Backyard Economics
7. Feedstock Collection and Pretreatment
8. Reactors and Processors
9. Purification and Drying Strategies
10. Fuel Quality and Backyard Analytics
11. Troubleshooting
12. Safety
13. The Great Wall of Glycerin: Side Streams
14. Regulations
15. Myths and Realities
16. The Community
17. Commercial Production
18. Conclusion
About the Authors
Об авторе
Bob Armantrout helped manage four commercial biodiesel plants in Hawai’i, Colorado, and Texas before moving to Pittsboro, North Carolina in 2007 to join Piedmont Biofuels.When he is not immersed in the fascinating world of alternative fuels, Bob gardens organically to maintain his sanity, and explores the world of mycelium through mushroom and tempeh production.