Qualitative inquiry is not merely a research method or a series of analytic steps, but a holistic process that challenges the age-old qualitative/quantitative dichotomy. This book provides students and researchers with an approachable guide to a range of interpretive perspectives, including thematic, narrative, and arts-based types of inquiry.
Fully revised and updated, the Second Edition features:
- A brand new introduction firmly placing qualitative inquiry in context
- New further reading sections to guide you deeper into the relevant literature
- Expanded sections on auto-ethnography and technology
- A range of examples to demonstrate the application of research techniques
Presenting a clear overview of the theory, method and interpretation involved in qualitative inquiry, this book is the ideal starting point for those engaging in arts-based qualitative research.
Part 1: Qualitative Inquiry
Chapter 1: Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Part 2: Thematic Perspectives
Chapter 3: Constant Comparison Inquiry
Chapter 4: Phenomenological Inquiry
Part 3: The Narrative Turn
Chapter 5: Narrative Inquiry
Part 4: Arts-Based Inquiry
Chapter 6: Poetic Inquiry
Chapter 7: Visual Inquiry
1. Collage Inquiry
2. Photo/Film Inquiry
3. Visual Narratives
Chapter 8. Performative Inquiry
Part 5: Future Directions
Chapter 9: Future Directions
Об авторе
Lynn Butler-Kisber (BEd, MEd, Mc Gill; Ed D, Harvard) is a professor of education at Mc Gill University. Her work includes leadership, multiliteracies; professional development and qualitative research methodologies with a particular interest in arts-based methodologies, more specifically in visual and poetic inquiry on which she has written and presented extensively. She focuses on issues of marginalization, equity, and social justice. New publications include Poetic Inquiries of Reflection and Renewal: Poetry As Research (2017), which is coedited with John Guiney Yallop, Mary Stewart, and Sean Wiebe (Mac Intyre Purcell), and the second edition of her book (2018), Qualitative Inquiry: Thematic, Narrative and Arts-Based Perspectives (SAGE).