Current Topics in Management presents basic research on the theory and practice of management and administration. Volume 12 contains eleven contributions divided into four sections. The editor explains the volume in Chapter 1, while the other chapters were the survivors of competitive reviews of 124 submissions to the thirteenth annual International Conference on Advances in Management held at Lisbon, Portugal.
Part 1, ‘Managing Evolution and Transformation’ contains three chapters that deal with organizational transformation through reengineering for improving business processes, an organizing framework for the emergence of new organizational forms, and concepts and forms of ‘do-it-yourself’ in organizations which involve creative use of resources to deal with a problem. Part 2, ‘Managing Inappropriateness’ deals with some unusual situations: managing global imbalances that require cooperation and commitment from all countries and one of the most important contemporary phenomena—misrepresentation or radical distortion of reality. Part 3, ‘Issues in Strategic Management’ focuses on the relationships of board of directors’ attributes, conflict, and shared mental models to board effectiveness, controlling CEO compensation through an independent board of directors, and ecologically responsive behavior of corporate actors.
The final part, ‘Entrepreneurship and Behavior in Organizations’ concentrates with an opportunity-based approach to the theory and research in entrepreneurial discovery research; a study of the moderating effects of goal commitment, task feedback, and reward for competence on the relationship between work overload and creativity; and guidelines to managers for the diagnosis of the spiritual health and intervention to enhance spirituality at work.
This volume will be of interest to corporate libraries, advanced students in management and administration, economists, and labor studies specialists. It is the official publication of the Center for Advanced Studies in Management
Об авторе
M. Afzalur Rahim is University Distinguished Professor of Management and Hays Watkins Research Fellow at Western Kentucky University. He is the founder of the International Journal of Organizational Analysis and the International Journal of Conflict Management, the editor of Transaction’s book series Current Topics in Management, and author of twenty books.