In this volume, M. Afzalur Rahim gathers ten contributions covering a diverse range of topics. These include Type III error in medical decision making, a theoretical model of social intelligence, a structural equations model of social intelligence, servant theory of leadership, entrepreneurial motives and orientations, stress and strain among self-employed and organizationally employed employees, a theory of communication nexus, foreign direct investment from emerging markets, operations and strategy of healthcare management, and knowledge recipients and knowledge transfer.
Contents include: Foundations of Social Intelligence; A Model of Leaders’ Social Intelligence, Interpersonal Justice, and Creative Performance; Servant Leadership and Psychological Climate as Moderators of Job Satisfaction–’Organizational Citizenship Behavior Relationship’; ‘Entrepreneurship Motives, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Duration of New French Firms’; ‘Relationship between Job-Related Stressors and Job Burnout’; ‘Communicating in the 21st Century Workplace’; ‘Outward Foreign Direct Investment Activities and Strategies by Firms from Emerging Markets’; ‘Healthcare Management’; and ‘The Relationships of Knowledge Recipients to Knowledge Transfer.’
Cumulatively, these contributions integrate theory, research, and practice from national and international perspectives.
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M. Afzalur Rahim is University Distinguished Professor of Management and Hays Watkins Research Fellow at Western Kentucky University. He is the founder of the International Journal of Organizational Analysis and the International Journal of Conflict Management, the editor of Transaction’s book series Current Topics in Management, and author of twenty books.