A step by step illumination of the intricacy, ‘logic’, and importance of one of Nietzsche’s richest and most complex works. In a clear and accessible manner the author explains the interconnectedness of The Gay Science’s seemingly unrelated sections. Throughout she provides critical commentary, background information, and translation corrections.
Introduction Nietzsche’s Preface ‘Joke, Cunning, and Revenge.’ Prelude in German Rhymes BOOK I Sections 1-10 Sections 11-33 Sections 34-56 BOOK II Sections 57-75 Sections 76-85 Sections 86-98 Sections 99-107 BOOK III Sections 108-125 Sections 126-153 Sections 154-275 BOOK IV Sections 276-290 Sections 291-298 Sections 299-306 Sections 307-315 Sections 316-325 Sections 326-334 Sections 335-342 BOOK V Sections 343-355 Sections 356-365 Sections 366-374 Sections 375-383 Appendix: ‘Songs of Prince Vogelfrei’ Bibliography Index
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MONIKA M. LANGER is Associate Professor Emerita, Philosophy, University of Victoria, Canada. Her publications include
Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception: A Guide and Commentary and various articles in books and journals. She has taught numerous courses on Nietzsche, including several graduate seminars on
The Gay Science at Yale and the University of Victoria