An important book by researchers from across disciplines
introducing varying ideas on research, important in these days of
inter-disciplinary and multi-centered investigation.
The book introduces academics to new areas of endeavour and
encourages researchers and students to think broadly when devising
their studies. Linking chapters present the contributions in an
historical and theoretical context, identifying the themes between
the approaches, and encourages new thinking about old problems.
Includes contributions from leading researchers across the
quantitative-qualitative spectrum, from marine biology to
With funding under increasing pressure, the different views will
help departments form new alliances and encourage interdisciplinary
1. Research Today (Professor Malcolm Crowe, University of
2. Studying Complexity (Professor Ian Boyd: University of St
3. A Sustainable Environment? A ‘Lopsided View’ of
an Environmental Geochemist (Professor Andrew S Hursthouse,
University of Paisley).
4. Use and Abuse of Statisticians (Mr Mario Hair, Statistics
Consultancy Unit, University of Paisley).
5. Research in Information Systems — Mine and my
Colleagues (Dr Abel Usoro, University of Paisley).
6. Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices: Illusion and Serendipity in
Auditory-Visual Perception Research (Professor John Mac Donald,
Professor of Psychology, Division of Psychology, University of
7. Research in Modern History (Professor Martin Myant,
University of Paisley).
8. ‘Scientificity’ and its Alternatives: Aspects of
Philosophy and Methodology within Media and Cultural Studies
Research (Professor Neil Blain, University of Paisley).
9. The Truth as Personal Documentation: An Anthropological
Narrative of Hospital Portering (Nigel Rapport, Concordia
University of Montreal).
10. Philosophy, Nursing and the Nature of Evidence (Professor P
Anne Scott, School of Nursing, Dublin City University).
11. Researching the Spiritual: Outcome or Process (Dr Harriet
Mowat and Professor John Swinton, University of Paisley).
12. Using Narrative in Care and Research — the
Patient’s Journey (Professor John Atkinson, University of
Об авторе
Edited by John Atkinson, Associate Dean, University of
Paisley, UK and
Professor Malcolm Crowe, Associate Dean, University
of Paisley, UK