Mara Albrecht is Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Erfurt Alke Jenss is Senior Researcher and Head of the Cluster Contested Governance at the Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg
2 Электронные книги Mara Albrecht
Mara Albrecht & Alke Jenss: The spatiality and temporality of urban violence
This edited volume asks how the city, with its spatial and temporal configuration and its rhythms, produces and shapes violence, both in terms of the built environment, and through particular ‘urban’ …
Mara Albrecht & Alke Jenss: spatiality and temporality of urban violence
This edited volume asks how the city, with its spatial and temporal configuration and its rhythms, produces and shapes violence, both in terms of the built environment, and through particular ‘urban’ …