Mario La Torre is Full Professor in Banking and Finance at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. His main research areas are banking and financial intermediaries, financial markets and financial innovation. He is expert in ethical finance, impact finance and microfinance, as well as audiovisual and art financing. He is editor of the book series “Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance” published by Palgrave Mac Millan. He has been member of the G8 Taskforce on Social Impact Investments.
Mario Calderini is Full Professor in Social Innovation at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano and he is Director of Tiresia, Centre of Research on Social Innovation and Social Impact Investments. He is President of the Scientific Committee of the Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia and he was previously member of the Social Impact Investment Task-Force. His main research areas are social impact investments and social innovation.
1 Электронные книги Mario Calderini
Mario La Torre & Mario Calderini: Social Impact Investing Beyond the SIB
This book provides a preliminary attempt to understand the impact investors’ preferences and characteristics. It offers an empirical insight of the main features characterizing social risk of S …