Industrial Chemistry is a book that brings the subject matter of a chemistry curriculum to life. Comprehensibly written, it examines the major chemistry performed by industry and looks at how such chemical processes affect our lives. In addition, as each process is presented and examined, there is a significant discussion dedicated to the by-products, pollution, necessary waste generated, and attempts to make each process ecologically friendlier, or‚‘greener’. It bridges the divide between the basic chemistry that students learn in their undergraduate curriculum, and the broader chemical processes that are used in real life.
From the Contents:
Overview and Introduction to the Chemical Industry: The chemical Industry, listing of top 100 chemicals, by volume, by cost, list of top chemical producers
Sulfuric acid: Method of production, volume of production annually, sales, uses, derivatives
Industrial Gases: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Carbon dioxide
Inorganic Nitrogen Compounds: Ammonia, Ammonium nitrate, Nitric acid, Urea, Ammonium sulfate
Chemical from Limestone: Lime, Sodium carbonate, Calcium chloride
Construction materials: Gypsum, Sodium Chloride Sodium hydroxide production, Chlorine, Hydrochloric acid, Titanium dioxide
Further Inorganics: Carbon black, Potash, Sodium tri-poly-phosphate
Water: Sources, Purification techniques, Uses, residential, Uses, industrial, High purity water, uses
Simple Organics from Petroleum: The fractionation process
The C1 Fraction: Methane, Methanol, Other oxygenated C1, CFCs and HFCs, Hydrogen production
The C2 Fraction and Ethyelene Chemistry: Ethane, Ethylene, Acetylene
C3 and C4 Chemistry: Propane, Propylene, Butane, 1, 3-Butadiene isomers
Liquid Organic Fuels: Gasoline, Jet fuels, Diesel, Other liquid organics
Aromatics and their derivatives: Benzene, Toluene, Xylene
Polymers: RIC 1-6, Thermoplastics, Thermosets
Coating and Adhesives: Coating types, Adhesives, Binders, Fillers, Inorganic pigments
Fertilizers and pesticidies: Nitrogen-containing materials, Phosphorus-containing materials, Halogenated pesticides, Non-halogenated pesticides
The paper industry: Virgin papers, Kraft process, High quality papers, Paper re-cycling, Low grade papers
Pharmaceuticals: Listing of top100 medicines produced, Listing of the top 100 medicines prescribed, Over the counter drugs, syntheses
Surfactants and detergents: Historical Production, Current syntheses
Rubber: Natural sources, Major uses, Synthetic isoprene rubber, Other elastomers
Silicon: Purification, High purity Si, uses, Silicones, Organo-silicon materials, Silanes
Iron and steel: Historical production, Ore sources, Current iron production, Steel production, By-products
Aluminum: Bauxite sources, Production methods, Major industrial uses, By-products
Copper: Ore sources, Production methods, Major industrial uses, By-products, Brass, Bronze
Other major metals for industrial use: Titanium, Chromium, Mercury, Gold, Silver, PGMs, Uranium
Materials: Silicates, Inorganic fibers, Enamel, Ceramics, Metallic hard, light materials, Carbon modifications
Об авторе
Mark Anthony Benvenuto, University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, USA.