автор: Marlene J. Darwin


4 Электронные книги Marlene J. Darwin

Marlene J Darwin & Coby V Meyers: International Perspectives on Leading Low-Performing Schools
Research is clear: School leadership quality matters. However, our knowledge of effective school leadership remains limited in at least three substantial ways. First, our understanding of school lead …
Marlene J Darwin & Coby V Meyers: Enduring Myths That Inhibit School Turnaround
The concept of school turnaround-rapidly improving schools and increasing student achievement outcomes in a short period of time-has become politicized despite the relative newness of the idea. Unpre …
Marlene J Darwin & Coby V Meyers: Rural School Turnaround and Reform
We have entitled the fourth book in the series Rural School Turnaround and Reform: It’s Hard Work! Overall, the body of scholarly work and research that examines school turnaround and reform in rural …
Marlene J Darwin & Coby V Meyers: School Turnaround in Secondary Schools
In the continuing quest to turnaround the lowest performing schools, rapid and sustainable reform, or school turnaround, seems most elusive for secondary schools. Secondary schools are rife with chal …