автор: Marnie L. Moist

Adam Głaz, Assistant Professor at Marie Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, is interested in linguistic categorization and point of view in language and linguistics.Marnie L. Moist, Associate Professor of Psychology at Saint Francis University, USA, researches in teaching pedagogy, culture and categorization, and service-learning assessment.Elena Tribushinina, Assistant Professor at Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, the Netherlands, deals with cross-linguistic aspects of language acquisition and cognitive semantics.

1 Электронные книги Marnie L. Moist

Adam Glaz & Marnie L. Moist: Vantage Theory
The book is concerned with Vantage Theory (VT), a model of categorization proposed by the American linguist, anthropologist, and cognitive scientist, Robert E. Mac Laury (1944-2004). It consists of t …