For a whole year I accompanied Isabel Donald-Schneider, also known as clown Feli, as photographer at a children’s hospice. There I was able to see how, as a clown, she stirred emotions among the children, pulling them out of their gloomy daily lives while giving them some space. This resulted in this illustrated book, which portrays little known aspects of life in a hospice: the children’s laughter, which may at times be quite loud, but also some moments of infinite quiet.
Об авторе
Dr. Martin Kreuels, geboren 1969, verwitwet, Vater von 4 lebenden und 2 gestorbenen Kindern, lebt mit seiner Familie in Bunde (Ostfriesland).
Bis 2009 tätig als Biologe in der Zoologie. Danach wechselte er zum Thema Männertrauer, welches er aus biologischer Sicht beiden Geschlechtern in Vorträgen, Büchern und Seminaren erläutert.