Creative teaching as well as teaching creativity are cutting edge issues in psychology today as recent academic and popular media coverage has shown. This volume expands on that interest with chapter authors drawn from interdisciplinary areas. It includes examples of creatively teaching across the education system, including preschool, K-12, undergraduate, and graduate level education. The variety of subjects covered by the chapters include psychology, math, science, and reading. In addition to creative teaching which may lead to enhanced learning and achievement in students, as well enhanced creativity, another focus is teaching with the objective to enhance creativity.
Introduction.- Facilitating creativity in the classroom: Professional development for K-12 teachers.- Teaching for Creativity: How to shape creative attitudes in teachers and in students.- The art in action in project.- Cognitive aspects of creativity: Science learning through serious educational games.- Creatively teaching introductory psychology in liberal arts institutions.- the global reach of creative lifelong learning skills for graduate, law, and medical students.- Teaching music theory fundamentals creatively.- New directions in teaching forensic psychology.- Creative ideas for actualizing student potential.- Expect the unexpected: Teaching for creativity in the micromoments.- Personal stories, critical moments, and playback theater.- Designing creative assignments: Examples of journal assignments and a creative project.- Teaching for creativity: Domains and divergent thinking, intrinsic motivation, and evaluation.- Conclusion.