Career Assessment: Qualitative Approaches will assume a seminal place in the field of career development as the first book to focus solely on qualitative approaches to career assessment. This book represents a timely and important contribution to career development as it seeks to meet the needs of increasingly diverse client groups. Part 1, Foundations strongly positions qualitative career assessment in its historical, philosophical, theoretical and research contexts. The book is innovative by considering qualitative career assessment through the lens of learning. Part 2, Instruments, presents the first collation of chapters on a comprehensive range of qualitative career assessment instruments and processes written to a standard format to enable readers to compare, contrast and evaluate approaches. Part 3, Using quantitative career assessment qualitatively, mitigates against depicting an unnecessary divide in the field between quantitative and qualitative career assessment by considering their complementarities. Part 4, Diverse Contexts, considers qualitative approaches to career assessment in contexts other than able western, middle class settings. Part 5, Future Directions, reflects on the chapters and poses suggestions for the future. With high profile authors from nine different countries, the book represents a truly international contribution to the field of career development. In its focus on qualitative career assessment, this book holds a unique position as the only such text and will therefore assume an important place in the libraries of researchers, academics, and career practitioners.
List of Figures; List of Tables; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Qualitative Career Assessment: Foundations; An Introduction to Career Assessment; A Philosophical Consideration of Qualitative Career Assessment; Qualitative Career Assessment: Research Evidence; Qualitative Career Assessment Processes; Career Learning; Incorporating Career Assessment into Career Counselling; Qualitative Career Assessment: Instruments; Qualitative Career Assessment: Instruments A) Visual Learning Styles; The Pattern Identification Exercise; Qualitative Career Assessment Using a Genogram; Card Sorts; Lifelines; The Life Design Genogram; Storyboarding and the Uses of Narrative; Qualitative Career Assessment: Instruments B) Auditory Learning Styles; The Career Construction Interview; My Career Chapter and the Career Systems Interview; The Career Thinking Session: Challenging Limiting Assumptions in Career Counselling; The Early Recollections Technique; Qualitative Career Assessment: Instruments C) Kinaesthetic Learning Styles; Career Writing; The Future Career Autobiography; Intelligent Career Card Sort®; My System of Career Influences; Qualitative Career Assessment: Using Quantitative Career Assessment Qualitatively; Using Career Theory to Integrate Qualitative and Quantitative Career Assessment; Chaotic Career Assessment; Integrative Structured Interview Process; The Cultural Preparedness Approach to Assessment: The Question is the Answer; Qualitative Career Assessment: Diverse Contexts; Qualitative Approaches to Career Assessment with People with Disability; Qualitative Career Assessment of Vulnerable Individuals; Qualitative Career Assessment Approaches in Hong Kong; Qualitative Career Assessment in African Contexts; Qualitative Career Assessment: Future Directions; Qualitative Career Assessment: Future Directions; Career Assessment: Qualitative Approaches – A Reflection; About the Authors; Subject Index; Name Index.