Larry Korn was an American who lived and worked on the farm of Masanobu Fukuoka for more than two years in the early 1970s. He was translator and editor of the English-language edition of Mr. Fukuoka’s The One-Straw Revolution and editor of his later book, Sowing Seeds in the Desert. Korn accompanied Mr. Fukuoka on his visits to the United States in 1979 and 1986. He studied Asian history, soil science, and plant nutrition at the University of California, Berkeley, and worked in wholesale and retail plant nurseries, as a soil scientist for the California Department of Forestry, and as a residential landscape contractor in the San Francisco Bay Area. Throughout his life, Korn taught many courses and workshops about natural farming, permaculture, and local food production throughout the United States.
5 Электронные книги Masanobu Fukuoka
Masanobu Fukuoka: Sowing Seeds in the Desert
The earth is in great peril, due to the corporatization of agriculture, the rising climate crisis, and the ever-increasing levels of global poverty, starvation, and desertification on a massive scale …
Masanobu Fukuoka: Der Große Weg hat kein Tor
»Der Große Weg hat kein Tor« ist ein Grundlagenwerk alternativen Lebens und der alternativen Ernährungsbewegung. Es inspiriert Menschen weltweit, neue Wege zu gehen. Eine Erfolgsstory des Bio-Landbau …
Masanobu Fukuoka: Der Große Weg hat kein Tor
»Der Große Weg hat kein Tor« ist ein Grundlagenwerk alternativen Lebens und der alternativen Ernährungsbewegung. Es inspiriert Menschen weltweit, neue Wege zu gehen. Eine Erfolgsstory des Bio-Landbau …
Masanobu Fukuoka: Dragonfly Will Be the Messiah
In twenty short books, Penguin brings you the classics of the environmental movement.In The Dragonfly Will Be the Messiah, the celebrated pioneer of the ‘do-nothing’ farming method reflects on global …