автор: Massimo Fioranelli

Massimo Fioranelli is Associate Professor of Physiology at the Marconi University in Rome, and Director of «Centro Cuore» at the «Mater Dei» Clinic in Rome since 2006. After graduating in Medicine in 1984 and specializing in Internal Medicine and Cardiology in 1993, he worked at the Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, directed by Prof. Jacob Shani, and has taught at the Punjab Technical University, Punjab, India, between 2010 and 2014. He is Editor in chief of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Microinflammation and  Journal of Integrative Cardiology. He edited various books with Springer, targeting both academic, high-level professionals in Cardiology and Physiology, and readers of popular science. Currently his main interests focus on low dose medicine, topic often addressed during various symposia held annually about integrative medicine.

6 Электронные книги Massimo Fioranelli

Massimo Fioranelli: Integrative Cardiology
This book is a detailed guide to a new integrative approach to the prevention and treatment of various cardiac disorders and risk factors, including coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, …
Paolo Pavone & Massimo Fioranelli: Malattia coronarica
Le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano attualmente la causa principale di mortalità e, oltre a modificare sensibilmente la qualità della vita, comportano un notevole impegno economico per la socie …
Paolo Pavone & Massimo Fioranelli: CT Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Western countries. In non-fatal cases, they are associated with a decreased quality of life as well as a substantial economic burden to socie …
Massimo Fioranelli & Gaetano Frajese: Cardiologia dello Sport
Gli adattamenti cardiovascolari dell’atleta rappresentano, a volte, una sottile linea di confine tra la fisiologia e la patologia e rendono difficile una valutazione del rischio. Se questa è una diff …
David A. Dowe & Massimo Fioranelli: Imaging Coronary Arteries
In non-fatal cases, cardiovascular diseases are associated with a decreased quality of life as well as a substantial economic burden to society. Most sudden cardiac events are related to the complica …
Massimo Fioranelli & Gaetano Frajese: Sports Cardiology
This specialized reference textbook presents the physiological and pathophysiological aspects of cardiovascular diseases affecting the athlete population. The first part is a systematic explanation o …