University Ethics: The Status of the Field
Matthew J. Gaudet
A Crisis of Mistaken Identity: The Ethical Insufficiency of the Corporate University Model
Conor M. Kelly
Discipline is not Prevention: Transforming the Cultural Foundations of Campus Rape Culture
Megan K. Mc Cabe
Navigating the Ethics of University-Based Medical Research
Michael Mc Carthy
Catholic Universities and Religious Liberty
Laurie Johnston
The System of Scholarly Communication through the Lens of Jesuit Values
Lev Rickards and Shannon Kealey
The Community Colleges: Giving Them the Ethical Recognition They Deserve
James F. Keenan, S.J.
The Data and Ethics of Contingent Faculty at Catholic Colleges and Universities
Andrew Herr, Julia Cavallo, and Jason King
The Ethics Program at Villanova University: A Story of Seed Sowing
Mark J. Doorley
A University Applied Ethics Center: The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University
Brian Patrick Green, David De Cosse, Kirk Hanson, Don Heider, Margaret R. Mc Lean, Irina Raicu, and Ann Skeet
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion —Doing the Work of Mission in the University
Teresa A. Nance
Об авторе
James F. Keenan, SJ, es titular de la cátedra Canisius, director del Instituto Jesuita y vicerrector de cooperación global en el Boston College. Además de ser un distinguido académico, con más de veinticinco libros y trescientos artículos publicados, es fundador de la red CTEWC. Su libro más reciente es A History of Catholic Theological Ethics (Paulist, 2022). Licenciado y doctorado por la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana de Roma, Keenan es sacerdote jesuita desde 1982.